8 March 2011

Prawn and Scallop Pasta with Pea Foam and Pancetta

For some of us, the moments in our lives when we suddenly come over all ‘Nigella’ and take on the personification of a real life domestic goddess complete with cute aprons and a drawer dedicated to paper doilies are both strange and infrequent.

For me the ‘goddess moment’ this month was the temptation of therapy via kneading... more specifically kneading pasta.  I am not exactly sure what happened to create this phenomenon but for whatever reason, I suddenly found myself wrist deep in flour and egg yolk spouting Italian.  

This pursuit is not for those in a rush but is quite simply a labour of love and worth the effort.

(Serves 6 as a starter or 2 for a main course)

Prawn and Scallop Mousse
6 Scallops (white meat only)
4 Tiger King Prawns (raw if possible)
1 tbsp Whipping Cream
1 tbsp Fresh Basil

250g ‘00’ Flour
4 large Egg Yolks
3 tbsp Olive Oil
3 tbsp Cold Water

Pea Foam
155g Peas
100ml Chicken Stock
20g Butter
100ml Double Cream
100ml Semi Skimmed Milk
2 tbsp Fresh Dill

First make the pasta.  On a bench pile the flour in a mound and make a well in the centre.  Combine the egg yolks, olive oil and water and pour into the well.  Using a fork mix the eggs together and start to combine the flour into the egg until all of the flour is combined.  Bring the pasta dough together and knead for 10 minutes pushing your weight into the kneading process.  At the end of the 10 minutes the dough should have changed consistency (as the gluten has developed) and colour.  When it feels elastic and smooth, roll into a ball and cover with a glass bowl to rest for 30 minutes.

While the dough rests prepare the seafood mousse.  In a food processor, combine all the ingredients together and blend until finely chopped.  Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate until ready to use.

Cook the peas in the double cream and chicken stock.  Leave to cool for a few minutes. 
Put the peas and liquid into a blender with the chilled butter and dill and blend until smooth, season to taste.

Roll out the pasta dough using either a rolling pin or, if you have one, a pasta roller.  The pasta needs to be as thin as you can get it so starting at the thickest, work the pasta through the machine until you reach the thinnest setting.  Lay on a lightly floured surface and cut out squares approximately 2½“ in size. 

Place a heaped teaspoonful of the mousse into the middle of the square and pull two opposite corners together creating a triangle.  Pinch the edges together.  At this time you can either leave them as they are or bring the corners of the longest side together and twist slightly together to create the shape of a tortellini.  Place a tea towel on a baking sheet and dust lightly with flour.  Lay the pasta parcels on the towel and cover with another until you are ready to use.

Cook the pasta in a saucepan of boiling water for 8-10 minutes until cooked. 

While the pasta is cooking, pass the sauce through a chinoise or sieve to ensure it is completely smooth (this is optional). You want to end up with a smooth thick and frothy sauce.

Put the pea foam into warmed serving bowls so it just covers the bottom.  Top with Prawn and Scallop Pasta and a drizzle of olive oil. 

Decorate with a slice of crispy pancetta.

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