Recommended Reading

A few years ago my shopping vice would be one of three choices: shoes, handbags and sunglasses. No longer! 

Whilst I have always been an avid reader it has to be said that my current penchant for loitering around bookshops or sitting on a shop floor and browsing through the ‘potential’ collection has reached its highest yet.  It’s not as though I actually follow recipes verbatim, more that they act as a vehicle for further inspiration.  Unfortunately this book collection now rivals many mainstream bookshops which causes problems in terms of storage.  However, I simply cannot bring myself to throw out old books regardless of how greasy or torn the pages may be so in the same vein as when you run out of clothes space you buy a new wardrobe, I find myself collecting bookcases too!

Here are the ones I feel warrant being talked about and perhaps you should sample for yourselves.  These are the books you want to carry around and struggle to put down rather like a good novel. 

The Flavour Thesaurus by Niki Segnit is a reference book of how to compliment flavours (a kind of what goes with what, from the obvious to the bizarre) – it’s as simple and honest as that.  Why on earth no-one has thought of this before I have absolutely no idea, it is without a doubt ingenious.  Buy it and next time you are faced with certain ingredients you have no clue with what to do with, flip your fingers through this little gem and inspiration will be making your stomach growl before you know it.

Another is called Light of Lucia by Luciana Sampogna.  This is a beautifully put together book with wonderful pictures of Italian life which completely absorb you and make your mouth water with authentic Italian recipes.  While reading it you will find yourself transported to another time and place so much so that on putting it down you will want to make plans to up sticks and move to the Italian countryside where you will reside side by side with chickens running around outside, a few horses, pigs and a small vineyard.