Our Favourites

We always try to source our ingredients locally, eat seasonal foods and of course, like everyone, we have our favourites.  Here are some of ours, from web sites to suppliers, we believe these are the best we have found (so far!).

The Eat Seasonably web site is great for working out what products are in season when and for how long.  Not only do you get the best flavour from using foods in season but also they are great value as they are available in abundance.

I love this web site and the shop.  They not only have beautiful looking foods but also different ideas for vegetarian dishes and stacks of inspiration.

This is one of the best butchers and farm shops in the Nottinghamshire area.  It has been going for many many years and their experience shows the minute you walk through the door.  Not only is the produce wonderful but its one shop the children will love too due to the working farm and petting areas.

I could not share my favourite links without being a little bit gratuitous.  Here is what I do in a professional capacity...

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