23 February 2011

Frittelle di Ricotta

This recipe came from 'Light of Lucia' by Luciana Sampogna. They look like doughnuts but are much lighter in texture and are just a bit too more-ish.  I have adapted the recipe slightly (only very slightly) by replacing orange liqueur for the juice of fresh oranges, adding honey and adding more grated zest. The only other difference is tossing them in sugar. They also work equally well served warm without the sugar and drizzled with warmed honey and toasted walnuts as a dessert.

Either way they are seriously good and I bet once you start eating them you don't want to stop!

330g Ricotta (drain in a sieve over a bowl for 1 hour before using to remove the liquid content)

3 large Eggs
75g Caster Sugar
1dsp Runny Honey
45ml Orange Juice (freshly squeezed)
Grated zest of 1 Orange
150g Plain Flour
2 tsp Baking Powder
Corn Oil (for deep frying)

Whisk the eggs, sugar, zest and orange juice together until thick and frothy.  
Fold in the ricotta cheese.  Add the flour and baking powder and whisk until well combined and smooth. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

To cook the fritters, heat the oil in a deep fat fryer to 170 degrees in temperature. Gently drop the batter (about a tablespoonful) into the oil leaving room for them to expand as they cook.   Cook for around 5 minutes until they are browned in colour and have puffed up.

Drain on paper towels after removing from the oil and then quickly toss in caster sugar. Leave to cool on a cooling rack. 

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