19 August 2010

Summer Love (or Butternut Squash Ravioli with Sage Butter, Orange & Toasted Hazelnuts)

It appears that our summer is planning on being rather short-lived this year with the occasional ray of sunshine being preceded and, when it does manage to struggle out from behind the clouds, usurped by a torrential downpour of rain. At least that’s what seems to be happening in my neck of the woods. Never one to let such things bother me; I simply decided that a light summery supper was in order regardless of how gloomy it was outside.  Clearly I couldn’t eat it alfresco (let’s face it that would be plain daft given the wet conditions), so I used my ever loyal imagination and enjoyed a lovely supper in the warmth and radiance... of my Aga!

The pasta recipe comes from an old Rick Stein recipe, I used strong plain flour but you choose.  The filling can be modified to suit you, try pine nuts in the filling or instead of the hazelnuts or be very authentic and use almonds like the Italians.

P.S.  I know it may not look the most appetising dish in this photo but trust me, it tastes divine.

225g Plain Flour
¼ tsp Salt
½ tsp Olive Oil
2 medium Eggs
4 medium Egg Yolks

1 Butternut Squash
150g Ricotta
25g Parmesan Cheese
Salt & Pepper
Drizzle of Olive Oil

25g Butter
Small bunch Sage (more or less to suit)
1 tsp finely grated Orange Zest

First of all, peel and cut the Squash into small pieces. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and olive oil.  Roast in the oven for 15-20 minutes until cooked through.  Remove from the oven and resist all temptation to eat straight from the roasting tin.  At this time, the squash will taste wonderful and will be begging you to forget all about the pasta and sauce and eat it straight from the tin forgetting all others who need feeding and indulge only yourself... be strong!  It is worth it.

To make the Pasta, combine all of the ingredients in a food processor and blitz until it comes together.  Knead the pasta for around 15 minutes on a floured surface (with more to add if needed) until it becomes smooth, silky and elastic.  Wrap in cling film and place in the fridge for 20 minutes.

In the food processor, blitz the Squash, Ricotta and Parmesan.  It will now resemble strange coloured mash potato – that is ok.  Put aside until you are ready to use it.

Now, back to the pasta. 

Remove from the fridge and roll out either on a pasta machine or with a rolling pin until very thin (thinnest level on the pasta machine).  Lay out on a floured surface and put teaspoons of the filling onto the Pasta leaving space between the filling to cut out the Ravioli.  Brush water in-between the fillings and place a further piece of Pasta over the top pressing down around and in-between the mounds of filling and try to remove any air that may be trapped.  Cut out the Ravioli either with a cutter or knife.  Place on a floured sheet and cover until you are ready to cook.

Lightly chop the Hazelnuts and place in the oven for a couple of minutes until they just start to roast.  Set aside.

Place a pan of water to boil.  When it comes to a rolling boil, add the Ravioli and boil for 4 minutes.  Meanwhile, place the Butter in a shallow pan and fry until it starts to froth.  Add the Zest and Sage and cook for a couple of minutes. 

Drain the Pasta and plate up.  Pour over the Butter sauce, sprinkle over the toasted Hazelnuts (and more Parmesan if using).


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