10 August 2010

The Perils of Domestic Bliss and the Virtuous Diet...

Today I find myself alone with the dogs and chickens as the Rrvvv has driven off to the airport looking frighteningly smart all suited and booted for a couple of days in Ireland on business.  I have noticed that during these circumstances my diet regime is far more disciplined.  These must be the days my body craves for when the 5-a-day simply happens without the need for stern words and a good look in the mirror for added persuasion, the alcohol stays in the drinks cabinet and the portion control is similar to that of a 5-year old.  What happens the rest of the time can only be attributed to a wanton desire to become a domestic goddess.

I will be honest and tell you that this state of mind and being is not something in me which extends to other homely considerations such as ironing and cleaning (urggh!) but is something that is remarkably strong in the kitchen.  When feeding others (one or multiple), I find myself dreaming up dishes to warm the heart, take the tough day away and satiate the soul.  Unfortunately these tend to be fairly generous portions (I am slowly getting this under control) and are not always within the allotted calorie count.  They do however tend to achieve the job at hand.

So for the lone diner tonight, the calling from the refrigerator comes in the form of the green leafy stuff and all things good for you (ok most things good for you). 

Having made enough Wasabi cream to feed the whole of Japan last night for a sesame seared beef fillet dish, I feel it would be wasteful to ignore the remainder of it today.   Teaming it up with some lovely smoked salmon, king prawns and warm lime vinaigrette makes me feel both righteous and just a little bit ‘goddess-like’.

... Perhaps it is possible to be both after all?!

Serves 2
100g Smoked Salmon
8 Tiger King Prawns (raw if possible)
Mix of Salad Leaves (I like herby leaves and spinach)
¼ Cucumber (cut into julienne)
A few chives (chopped into 2”-ish lengths)
¼ each of mixed Sweet Peppers
Small bunch of Coriander (roughly chopped)
Small pan of water
1 tsp white wine vinegar

For the Warm Vinaigrette:
1 clove Garlic (grated)
2 tbsp Olive Oil
½ Lime (zest and juice)
1 tsp Honey
Salt and Pepper

For the Wasabi Cream:

2 tbsp Crème Fraiche
½ tsp Wasabi Paste (more or less depending on how hot you like it)

First of all make up the wasabi cream.  Combine the crème fraiche with the wasabi paste and adjust the quantities to suit your taste (in terms of heat).  If you don’t have wasabi you can just use horseradish with the crème fraiche.  Put to one side in the refrigerator until ready to assemble.

Prepare the salad by thinly slicing the peppers (the thin slice on a mandolin works well for this) and then the cucumber – you are looking for a fine julienne.  Combine all the salad ingredients together in a bowl and put to one side.

Butterfly the prawns by slicing down their backs part way through (they will open up like a butterfly when cooked) and removing the black vein.  Heat a pan of water with a teaspoon of white wine vinegar and a little salt and quickly cook the prawns in the boiling water (they will take around 1-2 minutes).  Remove from the heat and drain.  Leave to cool.

Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to a small pan and heat gently.  Add the ginger and garlic and cook through (making sure not to brown them).  Add the honey and lime juice/zest and stir to combine.  Remove from the heat. 

To assemble, drizzle the wasabi cream over the bottom of the plate.  Pile the smoked salmon and prawns into the centre of the plate.  Pile the leaves into the centre of the plate and dress with the warm vinaigrette.

Sit back and indulge in healthy, gorgeous food with your halo intact!

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