6 October 2011

Devilled Kidneys

I may be biased but this dish is wonderful (assuming of course you like eating Kidneys). I first tasted them in France after a lengthy non-verbal conversation with a Frenchman over his dish of the day. My language skills could not translate what he was trying to tell me so we resorted to pointing to areas of the human body to assist us. It worked perfectly.

This is not his recipe (I think that may have been a step too far given our language barrier) but my interpretation of it. See what you think.

Serves 4

Drizzle of Olive OilSmall glass of Port Wine
8 Kidneys (white area in the middle removed)
1 tbsp Cider Vinegar
1 tbsp Red Currant Jelly
Dash of Worcestershire Sauce
Dash of Hot (Chilli) Sauce
1 heaped tsp English Mustard
1 tbsp Soured Cream
Salt and Pepper
Chopped fresh Parsley

Heat a pan with the olive oil and sauté the kidneys until browned.
Add the port wine and continue to cook for a couple of minutes.
Add the cider vinegar and the red currant jelly followed a few minutes later by the hot chilli sauce, mustard and soured cream.
Sauté for a few more minutes, season to taste, garnish with parsley and serve on toasted ciabatta and a green salad.

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