24 July 2010

Stilton Millefeuille with Pear and Vanilla Butter

I am not sure I have come across any dish which initially raises as many eyebrows but subsequently turns most people into a quivering wreck complete with drooling mouth syndrome (yes it really is that good).

A love of blue cheese and a glut of pears from the orchard made me search for ideas on putting together these gorgeous ingredients but in a different way.  This recipe is an adaptation of another dish I tried while on holiday.  The Pear and Vanilla Butter came from a friend's very old Jam and Preserves book and has been adapted accordingly.  I make these as starters, cheese course and canapés so your options are endless.

Once you tried it I can recommend the Pear and Vanilla Butter on Toast in the morning, evening and midnight munchies, the Stilton Mousse with just about anything (especially fresh Figs) and if you don't want to use Puff Pastry, try it with the Ricotta and Parmesan Biscuits.  Put them all together and you will be out to impress!

Pear and Vanilla Butter (makes approximately 2 medium jars)
2lbs Pears
Juice of 3 Lemons
1/2 Pt Water
1 Vanilla Pod (split)
1.5lbs Sugar (warmed)

Place the pears, water, lemon juice and vanilla in a saucepan, cover and bring to the boil.  Once boiled turn down to a simmer for 10 minutes.
Uncover and cook for a further 15 to 20 minutes until the pears are very soft.
Remove the vanilla pod, scrape the seeds out and add these to the mixture.  (Do not throw away the vanilla pod, wash it, dry it and put it in your sugar container for baking with - gives the sugar a lovely vanilla aroma and taste).
Empty the pear mixture into a liquidiser and blend to a puree.  Sieve the puree into a measuring jug discarding any bits remaining in the sieve.
For every pint of puree add 10oz of warmed sugar.  Empty back into the saucepan and stir over a medium heat until the sugar has dissolved.  Bring to the boil for approximately 15 minutes until the butter has reached the consistency of a thick puree.
Empty into sterilized jars, seal and leave for 2 days before eating.

Stilton Millefeuille (makes approximately 20 canapés)
1 pack Puff Pastry (life really is to short to make this)
Egg Wash
250g Stilton Cheese (we like Colston Basset)
150g Mascarpone Cheese
197ml Creme Fraiche

First of all make the millefeuille.  Roll out the puff pastry and cut into 1" x 2" rectangles.  Brush with egg wash and score the top in a criss cross pattern.  Cook for 10-12 minutes at 190 degrees until golden in colour.
For the stilton mousse, using a food processor (or by hand if you'd rather) combine the stilton, mascarpone and creme fraiche together until it becomes the consistency of a smooth mousse (be careful not to overmix as the mascarpone can become quite loose).
To assemble the canape, cut the pastries in half horizontally and spread a little of the butter on the bottom, top with another pastry, pipe the stilton mousse onto the top and finish with another layer of pastry.
If you want to decorate the plate, scatter a few caramelised walnuts around the plates or top the millefeuille with a walnut.

1 comment:

  1. Well all i can say is that i have never been lover of blue cheese, But i tried this and it really is lovely.
